2020 Or Bust

A Climate Change Application

iOS & Android

  • googlePlayStore

The Game of The Century.

2020orBust is a non profit organization that recognizes and promotes the importance of humans acting in accordance to take small actions in helping nature avoid the global warming catastrophe before 2020.

The Problem

Client approached JumpGrowth with an issue of an existing code base that was using older version of Ionic framework and needed to be upgraded urgently. In years, there were numerous new features including major revamp of user interface was planned in roadmap for the app.

The Solution

JumpGrowth started with review of the existing code base and suggesting architectural changes to support new technology roadmap for the coming months. In past months, we have helped the clients with:

  • Migration of existing code base to the latest IONIC version
  • Integrating the new user interface design provided by client
  • Migrating the API service layer from parse to Amazon Web Services
  • Social Media Integrations
  • Development of new modules for Memes, Carbon Score Card, Big Actions, Graph statistics
  • Gamification in the application on the Points based on the actions performed

The Result

A Climate Change Application

  • googlePlayStore

JumpGrowth Helps You Create Next Generation Apps.