HEADER youth

Youth Ministries

A Ministries Application

Only On Android

  • appleAppStore
  • googlePlayStore

Mentoring Leaders. Building Youth.

Youth Ministries Directory app is mobile app developed for Southeastern California Conference of SDA church to help their users find different officials at different locations across the country.

The Problem

Southeastern California Conference of SDA church was looking to create a way to reach out to their patrons and provide a way to help them navigate through their various branches using a mobile app based directory.

The Solution

JumpGrowth suggested the technology solution to design and develop a mobile app platform that can feed in the data of existing directory of the client’s database into the system which is then shown on the mobile app for their users. The app covers:

  • Directory listing for Officers and Churches
  • Automating the process for updating the information for the users by sending an email
  • Login authentication of the existing officers and other staff members
  • Web interface for uploading the existing database for youth ministry through csv
  • Firebase integration with mobile application for authentication of existing users and fetch the data for churches, officers and schools

The Result

appIcon youth

A Ministries Application

  • appleAppStore
  • googlePlayStore

JumpGrowth Helps You Create Next Generation Apps.